Please Note:

CRISIS SUPPORTIf you feel unsafe, or there is an imminent risk of harm to you or another person, please immediately call Emergency Services on 000. If you are not at imminent risk of harm but need to speak to someone urgently, please call Lifeline 13 11 14, Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636, Men’s Helpline 1300 78 9978, or the Suicide Callback Service 1300 65 9467.

Please be aware that Melanie has limited capacity to take on new clients and may not have capacity to work with you currently or may not work with the issues for which you are seeking support. Information you provide will be mailed directly to Melanie only so that she can review her availability and suitability. Melanie operates with limited administration support so asks for your patience – she will reply by email to your enquiry as soon as possible. Any information you provide is managed and disposed of in accordance with Australian privacy law.

Contact/Enquiry re working with Melanie Waugh, Psychologist
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First and Last Name
Do you have a referral/mental health treatment plan?
E.g. Generalised anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, etc or nil/not applicable